12-Week plan adaptable training


This plan is for you if:

  • Your schedule is busy or unpredictable
  • You prefer weekly mileage goals instead of daily
  • You’re comfortable running 8 miles


Train When it works for you

In partnership with Runner’s World, Milk created this training plan with adaptations and flex days, rather than a rigid day-by-day calendar. This means you can adjust your training when the weather rains you out, your schedule goes rogue or your body needs more recovery.

Preparing for Every Woman’s Marathon

Start this 12-week plan by August 25th to complete it in time for Race Day (November 16, 2025)!


Weekly (instead of daily) mileage goals to target

Nutrition tips and milk recipes to keep you fueled

Mindset prep to keep your head in the game

Plan preview: week one

Day 1 (Mon/ tues) Day 2 (wed/ turs) Day 3 (fri) Day 4 (sat/ sun) Est. weekly mileage
Easy time on feet
40-50 minutes
Quality session
8 x 1 minute @ 10K pace
with 1-minute recovery
between each
Easy time on feet
30-35 minutes
Long run
8-12 miles
18 miles (Low)
25 miles (High)


Nutrition filled cup
Women athlete
Two women


Refuel with a liquid within one hour post-run if you’re feeling overheated or don’t have an appetite. A smoothie with dairy milk will help your body cool down and replenish it with the nutrients needed for recovery.

TRY THIS SMOOTHIE: Blend 1 cup chocolate milk, 2 tbsp. peanut butter,
and 1 frozen banana together. Add ice as needed.

find your anchor

Before you start training, take 10 minutes to write down your why.

Why did you commit to this challenge? What inspired
and motivated you to sign up for this marathon? This will be your anchor that you will circle back to when training gets challenging—especially during your long runs. Don’t skip this step.

identiFy barriers to training

What are the things that could prevent you from running? Strategize a plan to overcome them. For instance, if you have children, line up someone to watch them or invest in a running stroller to bring them with. If they are older, have them join your shorter training sessions and be your training partner.

Don’t Stop Now

Start training with this guide today, or check out our other training resources, recipes and expert advice to support you on your journey.